X1260 Mobile Grabber Fall Protection System by Malta Dynamics

The X1260 XSERIES Mobile Grabber® Mobile Fall Protection System provides five overhead anchor points – anytime, anywhere.

The XSERIES Mobile Grabber® meets OSHA fall protection anchorage codes and ANSI Z359.6 design requirements for fall arrest systems, and has been validated by an independent 3rd party ISO 17025 testing laboratory.

Malta Dynamics


X1260 Mobile Grabber Features:

  • Five Fall Arrest anchor points for simultaneous tie-off
  • 34’ Maximum height supports wide range of uses
  • Electric hydraulic system
  • 5’9″ width and 15’6″ length makes it easily trailered from jobsite to jobsite
  • Telescopic arm can extend to between 9′ and 9.5″ depending on the needs of your workers

[pdfjs-viewer url=”https://www.mazzellacompanies.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/X1250-Mobile-Grabber-4.pdf” attachment_id=”24726″ viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1000px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]


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