Rigging Hardware Product Warnings / Cautions

Engineered Shackles, Rings & Hooks Warnings:
Can fail if damaged, misused or overloaded. Inspect before use. Use only if trained. DEATH or INJURY can occur from improper use or maintenance.

Skookum Shackles Warnings:
For complete warning and application information, see The Ulven Companies at www.ulvencompanies.com.

RUD Load Rings Warnings:
For complete warning and application information, see The RUD Group at www.rud.com.

Kulkoni Shackles Warnings:
- Failure to follow warnings and instructions may result in serious injury or death.
- Working Load Limit: This is the term used throughout the catalog. There are, however, other terms used in the industry which are interchangeable with the term Working Load Limit. These are: WLL, SWL, Safe Working Load, Rated Load Value, Resulting Safe Working Load, and Rated Capacity.
The Working Load Limit is the maximum load which should ever be applied to a product, even when the product is new and when the load is uniformly applied – straight line pull only. Avoid side loading. All catalog ratings are based upon usual environmental conditions, and consideration must be given to unusual conditions such as extreme high or low temperatures, chemical solutions or vapors, prolonged immersion in salt water, etc. Such conditions or high-risk applications may necessitate reducing the Working Load Limit. Working Load Limit will not apply if product has been welded or otherwise modified. - Matching of Components: Components must match. Make certain that components such as hooks, links or shackles, etc. used with wire rope (or chain or cordage) are of suitable material size and strength to provide adequate safety protection. Attachments must be properly installed and must have a Working Load Limit at least equal to the product with which they are used. Remember: Any chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
- Raised Loads: Keep out from under a raised load. Take notice of the recommendation from the Safety Council Accident Prevention Manual concerning all lifting operations: “All employees working at cranes or hoists or assisting in hooking or arranging a load should be instructed to keep out from under the load. From a safety standpoint, one factor is paramount: Conduct all lifting operations in such a manner, that if there were an equipment failure, no personnel would be injured. This means keep out from under a raised load and keep out of the line of force of any load.”
- Do not operate a load over people. Do not ride on loads.
- Shock Loads: Avoid impacting, jerking or swinging of load as the Working Load Limit could be exceeded and the Working Load Limit will not apply. A shock load is generally significantly greater than the static load.
For complete warning and application information, see Kulkoni Inc. at www.kulkoni.com.

Swivel Hoist Rings Warnings:
- Loads may slip or fall if proper Hoist Ring assembly and lifting procedures are not used.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- Install hoist ring bolt to torque requirements (www.thecrosbygroup.com) for the HR-125, HR-1000, HR125C, HR-1000CT, HR-125M, HR-1000M and HR125W, SS-125 and SS-125M respectively.
- Web sling HR-125W spool bolt must be securely tightened in place. The jam nut must then be securely tightened onto the connecting bolt.
- Read, understand and follow all instructions and chart information.
- Do not use with damaged slings, chain or webbing. For inspection criteria see ASME B30.9.
- Use only genuine Crosby parts as replacements.
- HR-125C chain connecting pin must be properly secured with the locking pin into the clevis ear.
- Before use tighten.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Hoist Hooks Warnings:
- Crosby 319N, 320N or 322N hook with an S-4320 latch attached and secured with cotter pin or bolt, nut and pin; or a PL-N latch attached and secured with toggle pin may be used for lifting personnel. A hook with a Crosby SS-4055 latch attached shall NOT be used for personnel lifting.
- See OSHA Directive CPL 2-1.29 – Crosby does not recommend the placement of lanyards directly into the positive locking Crosby hook when hoisting personnel. Crosby requires that all suspension systems (vertical lifelines / lanyard) shall be gathered at the positive locked load hook by use of a master link, or a bolt-type shackle secured with cotter pin.
- Threads may corrode and/or strip and drop the load.
- Remove securement nut to inspect or to replace S-322, S-3316, and S-3319 bearing washers (2).
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- Never apply more force than the hook’s assigned Working Load Limit (WLL) rating.
- Read and understand these instructions before using hook.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Malleable Clips—Zinc Plated Warnings:
- Failure to read, understand and follow these instructions may cause injury and property damage.
- Follow all Warnings, Use and Application Instructions as supplied by the Manufacturer.
- Read and understand these instructions before using malleable clips.
- Never use malleable clips for critical, heavy duty or overhead loads, such as lifting slings, support lines, guy lines, towing lines, tie downs, scaffolds, etc.
- Malleable clips are to be used for making eye termination assemblies.
– Only with right regular lay wire rope
– Only for non-critical light duty uses with small applied loads, such as hand rails, fencing, guard rails, etc. - Apply first load to test the assembly. This load should be of equal or greater weight than loads expected in use. Next, check and retighten nuts to recommended torque.

Skookum Master Link Warnings:
Improper use of links can result in serious bodily injury, property damage and/or death. Only properly trained and competent persons are allowed to use links in a proper application. Never exceed working load limit.
For complete warning and application information, see The Ulven Companies at www.ulvencompanies.com.

SHUR-LOC® Swivel Hooks Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- Positive locking latch will unlock when trigger is depressed. Never use hook unless hook and latch are fully closed and locked.
- Keep body parts clear of pinch point between hook tip and hook latch when closing.
- Keep hand(s) from between throat of hook and sling or other device.
- Do not use hook tip for lifting.
- Shank threads may corrode and/or strip and drop the load.
- Remove securement nut to inspect threads for corrosion or to replace S-1326A bearing washers (2) and or S-13326 thrust bearing.
- Never apply more force than the hook’s assigned Working Load Limit (WLL) rating.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g) and 1926.1501(g) for personnel hoisting by cranes or derricks. A Crosby 318A, 1326A, 13326, 1316A, or 1317A hook may be used for lifting personnel.
- Use only genuine Crosby parts as replacements.
- Read and understand these instructions before using hook.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Golden Gate® Hooks Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- Before using, inspect the hook and gate daily to ensure it is in proper operating condition.
- Failure to properly insert the pin could result in the load falling.
- All Golden Gate® Hooks with threaded shanks require a pin to secure the nut to the shank. This pin prevents the nut from backing off or unscrewing from the threads and causing the load to drop.
- If the pin and nut are removed from the shank to replace any hook components, the pin and nut must be installed before use.
1. NOTE: If a solid pin was used, the old pin “must”be discarded and a new pin inserted to secure the nut to the shank.
2. If a spring pin (coil type) was used, it may be reused provided that the spring pin and / or the drill hole was not damaged. - The gate is not a load-bearing device. Do not allow the sling or other loads to bear against the gate.
- Threads may corrode and / or strip and drop the load.
- Hands, fingers and body should be kept away from the hook and load whenever possible.
- Never apply more force than the hook’s assigned Working Load Limit (WLL) rating.
- Read and understand these instructions before using.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Hook Latch Kit Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g)(4)(iv)(B) and 1926.1501(g)(1)(i) (A) for personnel hoisting for cranes and derricks. Only a Crosby or McKissick hook with a PL Latch attached and secured with bolt, nut and cotter (or Crosby Toggle Pin) or a Crosby hook with a S-4320 Latch attached and secured with a cotter pin, or a Crosby SHUR-LOC® hook in the locked position may be used for any personnel hoisting. A hook with a Crosby SS-4055 latch attached shall NOT be used for personnel lifting.
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- Read and understand these instructions before using hook and latch.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Weld-On Pivot Link Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from link if proper welding, assembly, and lifting procedures are not used.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- Do not use with damaged slings or chain. For sling inspection criteria see ASME B30.9.
- Read and understand these instructions before welding on, or using the pivoting link.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Weld-On Excavator Hooks Warnings:
Load disengagement can cause DEATH OR INJURY. Disengagement results from misuse, damage and excessive wear.

- NEVER use a hook without training.
- ALWAYS inform yourself…Ask your employer for hook safe use instructions.
- ALWAYS comply with applicable Federal and local regulations.
- ALWAYS know hook load.
- NEVER use a hook without a legible product identifier.
- NEVER overload a hook.
- NEVER rise a hook or load.
- NEVER rig a hook to load improperly.
- NEVER use a worm-out or damaged hook.
- NEVER use a hook in extreme temperatures.
- NEVER use a hook in acidic conditions.
For complete warning and application information, see Gunnebo Johnson at www.gunnebojohnson.com.

Pear-Shaped Master Links Warnings:
Chain sling failure can cause DEATH OR INJURY. Sling failure results from misuse, damage and excessive wear.

- NEVER use a sling without training.
- ALWAYS inform yourself…Ask your employer for the manufacturer’s sling use limitations.
- ALWAYS comply with applicable Federal and local regulations.
- ALWAYS know load weight.
- NEVER use a sling without a legible rated load tag.
- NEVER overload a sling.
- NEVER ride on sling or load.
- NEVER use an improper sling configuration.
- NEVER use a worn-out or damaged sling.
- NEVER use a sling in extreme temperatures.
- NEVER use a sling in acidic conditions.
For complete warning and application information, see Gunnebo Johnson at www.gunnebojohnson.com.

Eye Type Self-Locking & Swivel Bronze Bushing Hooks Warnings:
Load disengagement can cause DEATH OR INJURY. Disengagement results from misuse, damage and excessive wear.

- NEVER use a hook without training.
- ALWAYS inform yourself…Ask your employer for hook safe use instructions.
- ALWAYS comply with applicable Federal and local regulations.
- ALWAYS know hook load.
- NEVER use a hook without a legible product identifier.
- NEVER overload a hook.
- NEVER rise a hook or load.
- NEVER rig a hook to load improperly.
- NEVER use a worm-out or damaged hook.
- NEVER use a hook in extreme temperatures.
- NEVER use a hook in acidic conditions.
For complete warning and application information, see Gunnebo Johnson at www.gunnebojohnson.com.

S-4320 Latch Kits Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g) and 1926.1501(g) for personnel hoisting by crane or Derricks. A Crosby S-319N, S-320N, S-322N, S-1320, A-339 and A-1339 Hook with an S-4320 latch attached (When secured with cotter pin) may be used for lifting personnel.
- An S-4320 Latch is only to be used with a Crosby S-319N, S-320N, S-322N, S-1320, A-339 and A-1339 Hook.
- DO NOT use this latch in applications requiring non-sparking.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

PL Latch Kits Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g) and 1926.1501(g) for Personnel Hoisting by Cranes or Derricks. A Crosby or McKissick Hook with a positive Locked PL or S-4320 Latch may be used to Lift Personnel.
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- Read and understand these instructions before using hook and latch.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

PL-N/O Latch Kits Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g) and 1926.1501(g) for Personnel Hoisting by Crane or Derricks. A Crosby or McKissick Hook with a Positive Locked PL-N/O or S-4320 Latch may be used to Lift Personnel.
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- Read and understand these instructions before using hook and latch.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

S-4055 Latch Kits Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g)(1)(i)(A) and 1926.1501(g)(4)(iv)(B). A hook and this style latch must not be used for lifting personnel.
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- Read and understand these instructions before using hook and latch.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

S-4088 Alloy Hook Latch Kits Warnings:
- Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are not followed.
- A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
- Hook must always support the load. The load must never be supported by the latch.
- See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g) and 1926.1501(g) for personnel hoisting by crane or Derricks. A Crosby S-319N, S-320N, S-322N, S-1320, A-339 and A-1339 Hook with an S-4320 latch attached (When secured with cotter pin) may be used for lifting personnel.
- An S-4320 Latch is only to be used with a Crosby S-319N, S-320N, S-322N, S-1320, A-339 and A-1339 Hook.
- DO NOT use this latch in applications requiring non-sparking.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

Chicago Hardware Forged & Stainless Steel Eye Bolts Warnings:
For complete warning and application information, see Chicago Hardware & Fixture Company at www.chicagohardware.com.

Crosby Forged Eye Bolts Warnings:
- Load may slip or fall if proper eye bolt assembly and lifting procedures are not used.
- A falling load can seriously injure or kill.
- Read and understand both sides of these instructions, and follow all eye bolt safety information presented here.
- Read, understand, and follow information in diagrams and charts below before using eye bolt assemblies.
For complete warning and application information, see The Crosby Group at www.thecrosbygroup.com.

RUD Eye Bolt Warnings:
For complete warning and application information, see The RUD Group at www.rud.com.

G-Link™ Synthetic Sling Connector Warnings:
- Can fail if damaged, misused or overloaded.
- Inspect before use.
- Use only if trained.
- Observe rated capacity.
- DEATH or INJURY can occur from improper use or maintenance.
For complete warning and application information, see Slingmax Rigging Solutions at www.slingmax.com.

Chain Warnings:
- This chain is not to be used for overhead lifting.
- Working Load Limit is not to be exceeded.

Cold Shut Warnings:
- Not to be used for load securement (tie-down).
- Working Load Limit is not to be exceeded.
For complete warning and application information, see Columbus McKinnon Corporation at www.cmworks.com.

Link Warnings:
- Not to be used for load securement (tie-down).
- Working Load Limit is not to be exceeded.
For complete warning and application information, see Columbus McKinnon Corporation at www.cmworks.com.

Laclede Chain Warnings:
- This chain is not to be used for overhead lifting.
- Never exceed the Working Load Limit.
For complete warning and application information, see Laclede Chain Manufacturing Company, LLC. at www.lacledechain.com.