Crosby IPH10E / IPHOZ Horizontal Clamps

The IPH10E / IPH10JE Horizontal Lifting Clamps are for use in the lifting and transfer in horizontal position of non-sagging materials or of bundles of non-sagging material. These clamps must be used in pairs or more.

The IPHOZ Horizontal Lifting Clamp is to be used for lifting and transferring, in the horizontal position, of thin sheet and other materials that will sag or bend when lifted. These clamps must be used in pairs or more.


For Horizontal Lifting and Transfer
  • Available in capacities of .75 thru 25 metric tons.
  • Wide variety of jaw openings available: 0 to 120mm.
  • Welded alloy steel body for strength and smaller size. Forged alloy components, where required.
  • Equipped with handle for easy placement.
  • Individually Proof Tested to 2 times the Working Load Limit with certification.
  • Company name (CrosbyIP), logo, Working Load Limit and jaw opening permanently stamped on body.
  • Each product is individually serialized, with the serial number and Proof Load test date stamped on body. Serial number is included on the test certificate with maintenance and warranty logbook.
  • Maintenance replacement parts are available.
  • Manufactured by a ISO 9001 facility.
  • All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.

IPH10E / IPHOZ Horizontal Clamps (Crosby) Diagram

IPH10E / IPHOZ Horizontal Clamps (Crosby) Specs

* Design Factor based on EN 13155 and ASME B30.20.


Call Mazzella for your clamp repair or inspection needs!

All brands and capacities … including, but not limited to Renfroe, The Crosby Group, Campbell, CM, SuperClamp, and Terrier. Contact your local Lifting Specialist to arrange for pick-up of your lifting clamps for inspection and/or repair!

Call Mazzella for your clamp repair or inspection needs!


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