J.C. Renfroe Model HD/HDR & WHSR Horizontal Non-Locking Clamps

We provide a variety of horizontal lifting, non-locking clamps from J.C. Renfroe. Contact us if you need lifting, non-locking clamps!



Model HR / HDR Horizontal Lifting, Non-Locking

The Model HR is a horizontal lifting clamp intended to be used in pairs, sets of pairs, or in a tripod arrangement for transporting steel plates horizontal.

The Model HDR is similar to the Model HR except that it contains dual cam assemblies which provide two gripping surfaces.

Equipped with serrated gripping cams as standard equipment, both models are available with smooth, bronze or stainless steel gripping cams to prevent marring when handling polished metals such as stainless steel, copper, aluminum, etc.

Model HR / HDR Horizontal Lifting, Non-Locking

Model HR / HDR Horizontal Lifting, Non-Locking Specs 1

Specifications in inches
No backpad on 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 or 1-1/2 ton models.


Model HR / HDR Horizontal Lifting, Non-Locking Specs 2

Specifications in inches
No backpad on 1-1/2 or 3 ton models.


Model WHSR Horizontal Lifting, Non-Locking

The Model WHSR is an adjustable, horizontal clamp intended to be used in pairs, sets of pairs, or in a tripod arrangement for transporting steel plates horizontally.

In addition to incorporating two gripping cams, the jaw opening may be adjusted by the positioning of a pin in the body of the clamp. The gripping cams are spring loaded to remain in the “open” position until the load is applied. This feature permits the clamp to be easily applied and removed from the load. Normally furnished with serrated gripping surfaces, it is available with smooth faced bronze or stainless steel surfaces to prevent marring when handling polished plates.

Model WHSR Horizontal Lifting, Non-LockingModel WHSR Horizontal Lifting, Non-Locking Specs

Specifications in inches


Call Mazzella for your clamp repair or inspection needs!

All brands and capacities … including, but not limited to Renfroe, The Crosby Group, Campbell, CM, SuperClamp, and Terrier. Contact your local Lifting Specialist to arrange for pick-up of your lifting clamps for inspection and/or repair!

Call Mazzella for your clamp repair or inspection needs!


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