OSHA and ASME Compliance

Can Sling Identification Tags be Replaced Before They Are Illegible?

person Devon McCarty
event November 18, 2020

Can you replace the identification tags on your lifting slings before they’re completely illegible? The latest episode of Ask the Experts is live!

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At the end of our live rigging tool box talks, we open up for a Q&A session so our viewers get their rigging questions answered in real-time. In this video, a viewer asked whether or not they would be able to replace their sling identification tags a little earlier than some of their co-workers thought necessary.

In this video
0:00 – Intro
0:11 – A viewer asks, “can sling identification tags be replaced before they’re illegible?”
0:15 – Top Trainer Award Winner Adam Franz Responds
0:30 – Closing

If you haven’t already, feel free to subscribe to The Lifting & Rigging Channel, so you don’t miss out on the other videos we make.


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