CM Herc-Alloy 1000 Chain System: Care, Use, and Inspection

The life and strength of CM Herc-Alloy 1000 chain slings depend on proper inspection, maintenance and use. For additional information, refer to ASME B30.9 and OSHA 1910.184.

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Chain requires careful storage and regular maintenance.

  • Store chains on an A frame in a clean, dry place.
  • To avoid corrosion, oil chains before prolonged storage.
  • Do not heat CM Herc-Alloy 1000 chain; this will alter its thermal treatment.
  • Do not plate or change surface finish of chain. Contact your local Lifting Specialist for special requirements.



To protect both operators and materials, observe these precautions when using chain slings:

  • Before use, inspect chain and attachments following the instructions under “Inspection” below.
  • Do not exceed working load limit. Any of the factors listed here can reduce the load the chain will hold:
    – Acceleration in rate of load application can produce dangerous overloading.
    – Variation in the angle of the load to the sling as the angle decreases, the working load of the sling will increase.
    – Twisting, knotting or kinking subjects links to unusual loading, decreasing the working load of the sling.
    – Use for purposes other than those for which slings are intended can reduce the working load of the sling.
  • Free chain of all twists, knots and kinks.
  • Center load on hook(s); hook latches must not support load.
  • Avoid sudden jerks when lifting and lowering.
  • Balance all loads; avoid tipping of loads.
  • Use pads around corners.
  • Do not drop load on chains.
  • Match the size and working load limit of attachments, such as hooks or rings, to the size and working load limit of the chain.
  • For overhead lifting, use only alloy chain and attachments.



It is important both to inspect chain slings regularly and to keep a record of all chain inspections. Follow this guide for such an inspection system.

  • Before inspecting, clean chains with a non-acid / non-caustic solvent so that marks, nicks, wear and other defects are visible.
  • Inspect each link for these conditions:
    – Twists or bends.
    – Nicks or gouges.
    – Stretch.
    – Excessive wear at bearing points.
    – Distorted or damaged master links, coupling links or attachments, especially spread in throat opening of hooks.
  • Mark plainly with paint each link or attachment showing any of the conditions listed here to indicate rejection; remove from service until properly repaired.


Wear Allowance (Herc-Alloy 1000 Chain)

Determine wear by measuring cross-section at link ends. If worn to less than the minimum thickness allowable, chain should be removed from service.

Herc-Alloy 1000 Chain System—Care, Use & Inspection Specs 1

Wide range of informative materials and instructive programs on chain and chain inspection.

Educational programs are designed to promote the proper use of all chain products and assist users in complying with OSHA with regulations.

Use of Chain under extreme temperature conditions. When the chain itself is subjected to temperatures shown below, working load limits should be reduced as indicated.

Herc-Alloy 1000 Chain System—Care, Use & Inspection Specs 2

The identification tag found on the master coupling link of each chain sling contains this information: Grade, Size, Reach, Type, Working Load Limit (at a specific angle) and Serial Number.

For Herc-Alloy 800 Chain System, see later pages in this section.


How to select and order the proper chain sling.

  1. Determine the weight and configuration of the load(s) to be lifted.
  2. Determine the type of chain sling required, according to weight and configuration.
  3. Determine the size of the body chain according to the working load limits. Be sure to take into consideration the effect of the required angle. Working load limit: The working load limit is the maximum load in pounds which should ever be applied to chain, even when chain is new, and when load is uniformly applied in direct tension to a straight length of chain.
  4. Determine the reach required to give the desired angle. The reach is measured from the upper bearing surface of the master link to the bearing surface of the lower attachment. If chain slings are to be used in pairs and are to be matched for reach, please indicate when ordering.
  5. Be sure to specify type, size and reach when ordering chain slings.

Herc-Alloy 1000 Chain System—Care, Use & Inspection Specs 3

Herc-Alloy 1000 Chain System—Care, Use & Inspection Specs 4

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* WARNING: Working load limit is not to be exceeded.


All product warnings: Warnings Page