- Designed to handle loads of various types of material, including:
– Cast Iron
– Steel
– C900
– Yellowmine Ductile Iron
– Cement Pipe - Finish – Red Paint.
- Custom sizes are available.
- All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.
Note: Pipe grab sizes listed will handle all classes in a category of ASA standard cast iron pipe, C900, Yellowmine, Schedule 40, 80 & 120 PVC or ASA standard steel welded and seamless pipe. Standard, extra strong and double extra all have the same outside diameter.
* Maximum Proof Load is 2 times the Working Load Limit and design factor based on EN13155 and ASME B30.20.
* Maximum Proof Load is 2 times the Working Load Limit and design factor based on EN13155 and ASME B30.20.
Call Mazzella for your clamp repair or inspection needs!
All brands and capacities … including, but not limited to Renfroe, The Crosby Group, Campbell, CM, SuperClamp, and Terrier. Contact your local Lifting Specialist to arrange for pick-up of your lifting clamps for inspection and/or repair!