Meets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26, including identification, ductility, design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these blocks meet other critical performance requirements, including fatigue life, impact properties and material traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26.
* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
** Available in Bronze Bushed only. 3″ and 4-1/2″ have self lubricating Bronze Bushing.
† Fitted with 1-1/4″ ID Swivel Eye.
‡ May be furnished in other rope sizes.
Note: When ordering, please specify: size, block number, hook or shackle, bronze bushed or roller bearing, and wire rope size.
Note: Tail Board does not contain the spool that is required with the hook (418) and shackle (419) snatch blocks.