Crosby McKissick 70 Series Tubing Blocks

McKissick® Oilfield Tubing Blocks utilizing new Split Nut Retention System. Revolutionary new retention system eliminates conventional threaded nut and potential problems associated with thread corrosion.

  • Exclusive E-Z opening guards, no bolts to pull out and lose. Feature gives fastest possible exposure of sheave cluster for quick reeving.
  • Extremely short overall length, extra weight, excellent balance for fast non-wobbling falls.
  • Extra large sealed sheave bearing diameters for fully rated capacities.
  • Roller thrust bearing in hook.
  • Duplex hook for easy elevator operation, locks in eight positions.
  • Convenient rod hook clevis available.
  • Completely streamlined, no projections.
  • McKissick Roll-Forged, flame hardened sheaves, grooved for proper wire line size. Contact Crosby for additional wire line sizes.
  • All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.
  • McKissick Split-Nut® hook parts precision machined and individually fitted for maximum performance.
  • All blocks available with additional cheek weights.
  • Manufactured to API-8A. Can be manufactured to API-8C specifications when requested at time of order.


The 70 Series has a spring loaded hook that is better for heavy usage and larger depths. Tends to last longer since the shock loads are somewhat absorbed. Also available with Rod Hook Clevis.

70 Series Tubing Blocks

70 Series Tubing Blocks Specs

* Spring loaded duplex hook assuring ample travel for efficient tubing operations.
No load carrying threads.

** A = Rod Hook Clevis attachment standard.


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