Crosby McKissick The Elements of a Superior Sheave

Every McKissick® Roll-ForgedTM sheave starts as a single piece of AISI C-1035 carbon steel plate.

Utilizing a “time proven” proprietary roll forging process that adds extra strength to the critical groove section, the sheave is formed from a precision flame cut blank. The hub is then pressed into place with complete metal-to-metal contact and secured with a deep penetrating weld to ensure proper fit and longer life.

Before the McKissick® name is added, each sheave is thoroughly inspected to meet applicable industry and Crosby® quality standards.

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McKissick® Roll-ForgedTM sheaves contain the following critical standard features required to meet your demanding applications.

  1. Smooth radius at the rim provides superior transition from outside diameter to groove—eliminating sharp corners that can damage rope
  2. Size for size, McKissick® Roll-ForgedTM sheaves have a thicker section under the tread of the wire rope groove—providing more substantial support of the wire rope
  3. Thicker web on sheave provides required stiffness to support a stronger sheave that contains thicker flange sections
  4. Heavier flange sections—provide a much stronger wire rope groove and maintain proper consistent groove angles, ensuring long term wire rope performance
  5. Minimum 35Rc for higher hardness in the bottom of the groove—results in less wear to the sheave, thus extending life of wire rope
  6. Precision alignment of hub with blank, then finished with a deep penetrating weld—ensuring proper fit, longer life and confidence during the most extreme of applications


Additional Features of McKissick® Roll-ForgedTM Sheaves:

  • The grain flow associated with the McKissick® Roll-ForgedTM sheave process results in excellent performance properties
  • Each sheave is permanently marked with “McKissick®”, sheave outside diameter, wire rope size and Product Identification Code (PIC) that provides complete material traceability.



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