Gas & Oil Drilling Supplies
Gas and oil drillers in the Marcellus and Utica shale come to us for lifting and rigging products.
- Wire rope—rotary drill lines, tubing lines, sand lines, cable tool drill lines, solid well measuring lines and more
- Lifting slings—wire rope, chain, web and high-performance synthetic slings like Twin-Path®
- Rope blocks, Gin Pole blocks
- Complete line of Crosby rigging products
- Fall protection
In addition to lifting and rigging products, we offer:
- Block, sling and hoist repair
- Private label tagging of slings and harnesses
- Training, in all aspects of proper care use and inspection of lifting equipment.
- Inspection of all lifting equipment onsite or at our facilities
- 12 branches, and one each in the Marcellus and Utica Shale areas
Contact a sales representative if you need gas and oil drilling supplies!
All product warnings: Warnings Page