Gunnebo GrabiQ — A Simpler, Smarter Chain Sling System

GrabiQ is an exciting new family of alloy chain sling components. Instead of the old “one component does one job” fitting, GrabiQ combines (in a single component) up to three separate functions, replacing up to seven different fittings.

Figure 1 features a GrabiQ Master Grab Dual, which serves as the master link, connecting links for two legs of chain, and shortening hooks for each leg, all in one fitting.

Using traditional fittings to construct the same sling (figure 2) would require 7 top-of-the-sling components, instead of just one.

Some of the new Gunnebo GrabiQ fittings are equally well suited for use as top assembly connectors or hooks at the bottom of a sling, adding even more flexibility for riggers.

A four-leg fully adjustable GrabiQ sling will never have more than 3 total top fittings (figure 3) while the same sling from traditional fittings requires 15 top-of-the-sling components (figure 4).

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The Gunnebo GrabiQ Advantages:

  • Every Leg Adjustable
  • More Strength – Grade 100
  • Less Weight
  • More Rigging Flexibility
  • Less Head Room Required
  • Fewer Top Fittings
  • Quicker Inspections


GrabiQ—Chain Sling System ID / Warning Tags

GrabiQ—A Simpler, Smarter Chain Sling System Tag

GrabiQ—A Simpler, Smarter Chain Sling System Spec


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