Tractel Travsmart® Horizontal Lifeline System

The Travsmartl® is Tractel’s most versatile single cable lifeline. Designed for use by up to five people simultaneously, it is easy to install thanks to special anchorage and it does not require any special tools. In the event of damage, repairs are made possible without dismantling the entire lifeline.

The travsmart can be utilized in both outdoor and indoor applications. It can be installed on a wall, floor, overhead or on posts. The traveler can be connected at any point on the lifeline and easily passes over anchor points, including curves. This solution is ideal for building maintenance, especially on rooftops without guardrails or parapets, for distribution facilities and industrial plants, and on bridges and viaducts. It is specifically designed to keep users safe when working in high risk areas.

The flexibility and versatility that comes with this unlimited length system is unmatched and trusted by industry professionals around the world. Our travsmart system has been utilized during inspection and maintenance of overhead cranes, atop military roofs to provide secure access for repairs, and inside factories where there is a need to work at height. It is the ideal solution for roofs of any kind, in almost every industry.



Permanent Single-Cable Horizontal Lifeline System

Travsmart Horizontal Lifeline System 2

Provides a smooth travel and allows the traveler to move freely over the intermediate anchors, minimizing wear and eliminating user assistance. The user’s hands remain free to accomplish whatever task is required.

  • Up to five users
  • Unlimited length and can go around corners (between 75° and 105°)
  • Can be secured to walls, overhead, under an inclined surface, on ground and on posts
  • Ensures quick assembly representing a 20% time savings
  • Must be designed by a qualified person, professional engineer, as part of a complete personal fall arrest system. It can then be installed by any user
  • Designed to replace intermediate supports without removing wire rope
  • Maximum spacing between anchor points is 50 ft. (15 m)



  • Building maintenance (rooftops without guardrails or parapets)
  • Aircraft hangers (overhead systems to service the top of the fuselage and wings)
  • Bridges and viaducts
  • Oil and gas installations
  • Distribution facilities
  • Overhead cranes
  • Industrial plants


All product warnings: Warnings Page