10 Gauge Heavy Duty
Specifications for Terminals and Mesh
WARNING: Do not exceed capacities! Do not side load or twist slings!
How to select sling width—according to capacity, hitch and specification:
First, determine the hitch you will use for the gauge selected. Then, read down the column under the selected hitch and gauge to the load weight you wish to lift. Then, read across to the first column at left to find sling width required.
10 Gauge Heavy Duty (Standard)
Offers longest service life and is the most resistant to rough treatment. Excellent for abrasive loads, cutting action of edge loads or off-center lifts.
Prompt Shipment or Repair Service
Wire mesh slings with normal usage will eventually need repair and parts replaced. This can be done for relatively small cost. Wire Mesh Slings that are repaired are guaranteed to meet or exceed original specifications.
* Design Factor of 5
WARNING: Do not exceed capacities! Do not side load or twist slings! Do not use if damaged!