Peerless Kuplex® Chain Slings

Benefits of Peerless Kuplex® Chain Slings:

  • Forged in North America
  • Heat-treated and proof-tested
  • Features quick and easy assembly
  • Comes with safety latch installed, replacement latches available
  • Designed for use with Grade 80 or Grade 100 chain
Peerless Logo


Important: Use only genuine Kuplex load and retaining pits when assembling slings. Never use rods, bolts or other objects of questionable strength and metallurgy. Failure could cause serious injury or damage to property.

Kuplex® Chain Slings 3


Observe These Five Safety Tips When Slinging with Kuplex II:

  1. Selecting the proper chain size for your Kuplex II Chain Sling is of utmost importance. The Working Load Limit charts on the next pages define load limits of 9/32″ through 1-1/4″ Accoloy Chain in 1, 2, 3 and 4 leg styles. You may determine the correct chain size and sling style for the job by working from this handy table.
  2. Should repairs ever be necessary on a Kuplex II Sling, it is recommended that only Kuplex II Sling Distributors be allowed to handle the repairs. A trained staff and an adequate stock of Kuplex II proof tested component parts are available to give you fast repair service.
  3. To insure comparability of attachments with Accoloy Chain, Kuplex II components, identified by the distinctive Acco orange color, should be used to make up a Kuplex II Sling or to repair an old sling. Should the body chain of a Kuplex II Sling become badly damaged or broken—replace the entire leg with Accoloy Chain.
  4. Kuplex II components will fit most chain manufactured domestically; however, for engineered uniformity and quality control, only Accoloy is recommended.
  5. Because of link dimension differences, A8A chain should not be mixed with any other chain when assembling a multi-leg sling.


Assembly Instructions

Kuplex II assembles and disassembles quickly with simple, readily available tools.

  1. Select the Kuplex II components to be attached to the matching size chain.
  2. Insert the end link of the chain into the slot of the Kuplex II component. Pass the load pin through the component and chain link so that the grooves in the load pin are in line with the retaining pin holes. (Grooves in load pin should point toward body of components.)
  3. Drive the Spirol® * retaining pins into the Kuplex II component until flush with surface.
  4. To disassemble, drive the retaining pins out with a drive pin. Retaining pins and load pins are reusable.

Kuplex® Chain Slings 1Kuplex® Chain Slings 2


Information For Calculating Chain Length

Single Leg Type—If the measurement comes within the link, the following link is cut. Reach given should be minimum.

2 Leg Type—The required chain length is measured and cut (same as single leg). The first and last links should lie in opposite planes—this allows hooks and attachments to point away from the load. Cut the second leg with the same number of links.

3 and 4 Leg Type—The cutting length is measured and number of links counted. Must be an odd number of links (due to secondary links on Master Link Assembly) so hooks hang on correct plane, pointing out. Chain lengths for additional legs are cut with this same number of links.

If the reach is over 5 ft. (1.52 m), add the difference to the figures in “Cut Chain Length Needed for 5 ft. (1.52 m) Reach” column found on the next several pages. If reach is under 5 ft. (1.52 m), subtract the difference. A metal tag showing the sling reach will be attached to the sling.

Required reach—8 ft. (2.44 m)
Sling type and size—CO 9/32 in. (7 mm) chain

  • Add 3 feet (0.92 m) (reach over 5 ft. (1.82 m)) to figure shown in chart under Type SOO—9/32 in. (7 mrn) chain is 3 ft. 9 in. (1.14 m).
  • 6 ft. 9 in. (2.06 m) = cut chain length for 8 ft. (2.44 m) reach.


* Registered TM of Spirol International.

WARNING: Extreme caution should be used when cutting chain with a torch to avoid heating adjacent links.


All product warnings: Warnings Page