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6-4 | Basic Inspection Criteria

The goal of a sling inspection is to evaluate remaining strength in a sling which has been used previously to determine if it is suitable for continued use. When inspecting metal mesh slings, daily visual inspections are intended to detect serious damage or deterioration which would weaken the strength and integrity of the sling.

Metal Mesh Sling Basic Inspection Criteria

If during any point of the inspection the following is observed, the metal mesh sling should be removed from service and be discarded, according to ASME B30.9 standards:

LiftingU: 1

Missing or illegible sling identification

LiftingU: 2

Broken weld or a broken brazed joint along the sling edge

LiftingU: 3

Broken wire in any part of the mesh

LiftingU: 4

Reduction in wire diameter of 25% due to abrasion or 15% due to corrosion

LiftingU: 5

Lack of flexibility due to distortion of the mesh

LiftingU: 6

Distortion of the choker fitting so the depth of the slot is increased by more than 10%

LiftingU: 7

Distortion of either end fitting so the width of the eye opening is decreased by more than 10%

LiftingU: 8

15% reduction of the original cross-sectional area of any point around the hook opening of the end fitting

LiftingU: 9

Visible distortion of either end fitting out if its plane

LiftingU: 10

Slings in which the spirals are locked or without free articulation shall not be used

LiftingU: 11

Cracked end fittings, or fittings that are pitted, corroded, cracked, bent, twisted, gouged, or broken

LiftingU: 12

Other conditions, including visible damage, that cause doubt as to the continued use of the sling

Lesson tags: metal mesh sling inspection criteria