Lifting Slings

OSHA Sling Tag Requirements

Employers must use only slings that have permanently affixed and legible identification markings (tags) as prescribed by the manufacturer, and that indicate the recommended safe working load for the type(s) of hitch(es) used, the angle upon which it is based, and the number of legs, if more than one.

person Lexie Keller
event January 24, 2014
Slings & Assemblies: OSHA Sling Tag Requirements

Employers must use only slings that have permanently affixed and legible identification markings (tags) as prescribed by the manufacturer, and that indicate the recommended safe working load for the type(s) of hitch(es) used, the angle upon which it is based, and the number of legs, if more than one. All Mazzella Companies slings will have legible identification tags (sample wire rope sling tag above).

In addition, OSHA is requiring that, in using the sling, employers follow the safe working load capacity information on the identification markings affixed to slings by the sling manufacturer.

Further, if the sling is missing its identification marking, consistent with the latest ASME / ANSI B30.9 standard, employers must remove the sling from service until they reaffix the identification markings.

OSHA has updated its standards regulating slings for general industry (§1910.184) and construction (§1926.251). This final rule became effective on July 8, 2011.

In summary, the new changes include:

  • Removing all the load capacity tables for slings that were in the previous OSHA standards
  • Sling Markings—Employers now must use only slings with permanently affixed identification markings that show the maximum load capacity for each sling.
  • Shackle Markings—The final rule also provides similar protection for shackles, requiring them to also show rated capacity.

In the past, some companies did not require the wire rope slings being used at their sites to be marked with a tag and/or rated capacity and based on the original OSHA 1910 regulations, it wasn’t required.

Now, with this change, all wire rope slings must be marked—no exceptions!

The load capacity tables previously designated in these OSHA standards, were based on the 1971 ASME / ANSI B30.9 standard, are now obsolete and no longer conform to the load capacity tables of the updated B30.9 industry standards. The outdated tables are being replaced with a requirement that prohibits employers from loading slings in excess of the recommended safe working load as shown on the permanently affixed identification markings.

Basically, this revision prohibits the use of any sling that does not have a permanently affixed identification tag.

Sling Identification Requirements

Each sling shall be marked to show:

  • Name or trademark of manufacturer;
  • Rated loads for the type(s) of hitch(es) used and the angle upon which it is based;
  • Diameter or size
  • Number of legs, if more than one

Sling identification shall be done by the sling manufacturer.

Sling identification should be maintained by the user so as to be legible during the life of the sling.

* We place a unique identifier / serial number on all the slings we manufacture.

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