Hoists & Hoists Parts

Harrington SEQ / EQ Electric Chain Hoist: Background, Design, and Features

person Joel Rodriguez
event February 18, 2021

Eric Shankle from Harrington Hoists, Inc. joins us on the Lifting & Rigging Channel to break down the background, design, and best fit of Harrington’s SEQ / EQ Electric Chain Hoists.

See more Harrington Hoists on our website

In this video:
0:00 – Intro
0:56 – Background on Harrington Hoists, Inc.
2:03 – The design of the SEQ/EQ Hoist
2:43 – How much training is required before use?
3:45 – What is the lifecycle of the SEQ / EQ Hoist?
4:21 – Best fit for the SEQ/EQ Hoist 4
5:18 – Bad fit for the SEQ/EQ Hoist
6:04 – Maintenance and service class
8:57 – Hoist parts and service
9:35 – Other features and technologies
12:30 – Wrapping it up
13:45 – Closing

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