What You Should Know Before Buying an Overhead Crane System
In this video, we break down what you should know before buying an overhead crane system.
Helpful links to resources:
► Take our online Cranes 101 course
► Design your own overhead crane system
► Compare multiple overhead crane quotes with this tool
► Ask a few questions by contacting our Crane Division
► Get your cranes back online by contacting our Crane Service Division.
In this video:
► Intro 0:00
► Overhead cranes are uniquely designed for your business 0:31
► How to determine your CMAA service class 0:57
► Buying a used overhead crane can help cut costs and lead time 1:14
► Financing your crane can help control cash flow 1:50
► Compare multiple crane quotes to see a range of lifting options 2:10
► Do your research to avoid hidden costs 2:43
► Use resources and specialists to help you along the way 3:14
► Take the cranes101 course here at liftingu.com 3:36
► Design your own overhead crane with our online crane configurator 3:48
► Compare overhead crane quotes with our comparison tool 4:11
► Closing 4:20
Thanks for watching!

Any advice, graphics, images, and/or information contained herein are presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical, or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate industry professionals. The information herein should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals.