Chester Electric Wire Rope Hoist

1, 1-1/2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-1/2, 10 and 15 Ton Capacities with 9 to 150-Foot Lifts.

Chester Wire Rope Electric Hoists feature worm gear drives for quiet, smooth, reliable operation. These hoists are available in single hook, twin hook or multiple hook models for lug, floor, ceiling or trolley mounting. Capacities from 1 to 15 tons in a variety of configurations are available to provide virtually trouble free operation in every type of application.

Low headroom models are available in capacities from 1 to 7.5 tons and are specifically designed for applications requiring minimal hook to beam clearance. Models are available with lug-mounted, plain trolley, hand-geared trolley or motorized trolley suspension.

Floor and Ceiling Mounted Worm Drive hoists are used from a stationary position, such as over a hatchway, a loading dock or in an auditorium. Single, twin hook or multiple hook models with hook spacing up to 40 feet are available.

Chester Trolley Suspended Twin Hook Wire Rope Hoists are designed with dual hooks for special handling applications requiring two point support. With available push / pull, hand geared or motorized trolley suspension they are ideal for lifting and transporting long loads or rolls.

The Chester Wire Rope Hoist design permits adaptation to a wide variety of applications. Variations are available to accommodate special mounting, long lifts, special trolleys and special controls. Please contact your Lifting Specialist with your specific application.




Electric Wire Rope Hoists (Chester) Specs


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