CM Series 602/603 Mini Ratchet Lever Hoist

550 (602 Series) and 1,100 (603 Series) Lb. Capacities with 5 and 10-Foot Standard Lifts.

The CM Series 602 / 603 Mini Ratchet Lever Hoist features the most compact and comfortable ratchet lever hoist in the market. They perform just like the larger models.

Capacities with 5 and 10-Foot Standard Lifts The CM Series 602 / 603 Mini Ratchet Lever Hoist features the most compact and comfortable ratchet lever hoist in the market. They perform just like the larger models.

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Features & Benefits:

  • Plated load chain is standard.
  • Weston-type load brake.
  • Rubber hand grip for better comfort and security.
  • Lightweight design for ease of portability. Use in confined conditions with one-hand operation.
  • Forged upper and lower hooks with latches standard.
  • Impact resistant, all-steel frame, gear case and cover.
  • Hardened link-type alloy steel load chain for strength and long wear.
  • Free wheeling feature serves to quickly attach the load.
  • Metric rated.


  • Our compact Mini-Hoists perform just like the larger hoists, except they’re small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
  • Convenient Carry Bag

Series 602/603 Mini Ratchet Lever Hoist

Series 602/603 Mini Ratchet Lever Hoist Specs


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