CM Herc-Alloy 800 Triple & Quad Chain Slings

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CM Herc-Alloy 800 Triple & Quad Chain Slings

Herc-Alloy 800 Triple Chain & Quad Chain Slings Diagram

Herc-Alloy 800 Triple Chain & Quad Chain Slings Specs

* WARNING: Working load limit is not to be exceeded.

Safety Note: A quad branch chain sling, especially when used on a load of rigid structure, is usually not sustaining load evenly distributed on each of its four branches. The maximum working load limits are therefore set at the same values as for triple branch chain slings of equal quality and size and used with branches at same angle of inclination.


CM Herc-Alloy 800 Chain

Herc-Alloy 800 Chain Slings


All product warnings: Warnings Page