Cortland Spectra® 12 Strand and 12×12

Spectra® 12 strand provides very high strength, low stretch and excellent abrasion resistance in a single braid construction.

The equivalent weight rope is more than 3 times as strong as polyester and has less than one half of the elongation.
Spectra® 12 strand is delivered standard with a polyurethane finish and is easily spliced using a simple lockstitch type splice, 4-3-2 or 5-4-3 Tuck Splice. It’s soft, torque free braided construction provides easy handling.


Cortland Logo


Features and Benefits:

  • Very low stretch
  • Very high strength
  • Soft hand
  • Torque free
  • Easy splicing
  • Floats


  • Vessel mooring lines
  • Tug winch lines
  • Emergency towlines
  • Utility winch and pulling lines
  • Recreational vehicle winch lines
  • Theatrical rigging lines


  • ABS
  • DNV-GL

ABS / DNV GL Logos

Cortland Spectra® 12 Strand

Nominal Diameter
(circ in.)
Approximate Weight
Minimum Tensile Strength
Spliced Rope
Minimum Tensile Strength
ISO Unspliced Rope

12 Strand

7/64 5/16 0.33 1,125 1,300
1/8 3/8 0.53 1,800 2,000
3/16 9/16 1.0 3,600 4,000
1/4 3/4 1.6 6,000 6,700
5/16 15/16 2.6 9,000 10,000

ABS and DNV Type Approved Sizes

12 Strand

3/8 1-1/8 3.7 13,900 15,400
7/16 1-1/4 4.2 14,800 16,400
1/2 1-1/2 6.4 22,500 25,000
9/16 1-3/4 7.9 27,700 30,800
5/8 2 10.6 36,600 40,700
3/4 2-1/4 13.3 43,200 48,000
7/8 2-3/4 19.6 61,000 67,800
1 3 23.4 72,000 80,000
1-1/16 3-1/4 27.6 81,000 90,000
1-1/8 3-1/2 31.9 91,800 102,000
1-1/4 3-3/4 36.2 102,600 114,000
1-5/16 4 41.7 114,300 127,000
1-1/2 4-1/2 51.7 141,300 157,000
1-5/8 5 65.7 167,400 186,000
1-3/4 5-1/2 78.4 198,000 220,000

12×12 Strand

2 6 91.4 225,000 250,000
2-1/8 6-1/2 109.0 270,000 300,000
2-1/4 7 122.0 317,700 353,000
2-1/2 7-1/2 148.0 360,000 400,000
2-5/8 8 167.0 370,800 412,000
2-3/4 8-1/2 187.0 405,000 450,000
3 9 214.0 508,500 565,000
3-1/4 10 261.0 616,500 685,000
3-5/8 11 324.0 765,000 850,000
4 12 394.0 900,000 1,000,000

Sizes available up to 8-1/4″ diameter (200 mm). Tensile Strengths are determined in accordance with Cordage Institute 1500, Test Methods for Fiber Rope. Weights are calculated at linear density under standard preload (200d2) plus 4%. See reverse side for application and safety information.


Technical InformationCortland Spectra® 12 Strand Technical Chart

Specific gravity: 0.98*
Melting point: 284°F (140°C)
Critical temperature: 150°F (65°C)
Coefficient of friction: 0.09–0.12*
Elongation at break: 3%–4%
Fiber water absorption: 0%
UV resistance: moderate
Wet abrasion: superior
Dry abrasion: superior

* Value based on data supplied by the fiber manufacturer for new, dry fiber





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