Magnetic Sling Protectors & Corner Protectors

Synthetic products can be damaged or cut when lifting on load edges. Edges in contact with the sling must be “padded” with materials of sufficient strength and thickness to prevent damage and catastrophic sling failure.

Magnetic Sling Protectors are a solution to many of your rigging and material handling nightmares. Lightweight and easy to use, these wear-protection devices enhance the service cycle of the rigging and help to “soften” edges that could damage slings.



These plastic magnetic sling protectors attach to steel corners and keep the sling from contacting the load. For use with synthetic, wire rope and synthetic rope applications. Just snap in place and put the sling on top of the protector.

This product is not for use at temperatures below negative 20°F or above temperatures of 220°F. The maximum loading is 12,500 PSI.

Made of nylon, the Magnetic Sling Protectors are only 1/7th the weight of steel. No tools are needed since magnets allow for quick and easy attachment and removal. Available in nine inch, 12-inch and 18-inch models.

Corner Protectors 3


All product warnings: Warnings Page