Model PC — “Tea Cup” Pipe Carrier

Product Features:

  • An efficient way to handle concrete water and sewer pipes.
  • The Caldwell “Tea Cup” Pipe Carrier will save you time and money.
  • Three sizes available, to handle from 3/4″ to 1-1/2″ cable, and lift up to 18 tons.
  • Optional “Spoon Handle” allows the PC-3/4 “Tea Cup” to be guided into small diameter pipes.
  • Complies with ASME standards.
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1. Drop pipe carrier lifting sling through hole in pipe.

Model PC—"Tea Cup" Pipe Carrier Step 1


2. Align and insert “tea cup” pipe carrier into lifting sling.

Model PC—"Tea Cup" Pipe Carrier Step 2


3. Lift pipe.

Model PC—"Tea Cup" Pipe Carrier Step 3



Model PC—"Tea Cup" Pipe Carrier In Use


“Spoon Handle” for PC-3/4 only.

Please order SH-34 (includes bolt on lip)

Model PC—"Tea Cup" Pipe Carrier Diagram

Model PC—"Tea Cup" Pipe Carrier Specs

* Can use “Spoon Handle” with this model.


All product warnings: Warnings Page