Wire Rope

On-Site Replacement Sand Line for Drilling and Workover Rigs

person Devon McCarty
event May 17, 2019

When your rig goes down and you need to swap out and replace a drill line, tubing line, or a sand line, we send out one of our mobile spooling units operated by an expert technician with the correct pre-measured cable.

We perform in-field splicing and will use our mobile spooling truck to pull the old or damaged line off and run the replacement cable off the truck and onto the rig’s winch drum. In this video, we travel to a rig in Vici, Oklahoma, where we respond to an oil rig emergency.

Need to replace sand line, tubing line, or drill lines? Contact us!

In this video:
► Jason, a Lifting Specialist out of Oklahoma City, takes us to the site of an oil rig that had a sand line break during operation. (0:12)
► Wes, one of our our technicians, arrives on-location to assess the situation and uses our rig to pull the old/damaged line off and run the replacement cable off the truck and onto the rig’s winch drum. (0:20)
► Wes performs in-field splicing and uses one of our mobile spooling units to replace old/damaged line with the correct pre-measured cable. (1:23)
► Jason closes the story, and we give you a contact number if you need help with sand line, tubing line, or drill line replacement. (1:42)

Click here to contact a lifting specialist for a consultation.

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Any advice, graphics, images, and/or information contained herein are presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical, or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate industry professionals. The information herein should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals.