What is a Good Wire Rope to Shackle Ratio to Prevent Damage?

What is a good wire rope to shackle ratio to prevent damage? The latest episode of Ask the Experts is live!

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At the end of our live rigging tool box talks, we open up for a Q&A session so our viewers get their rigging questions answered in real-time. This question focuses on the proper wire rope to shackle ratio in order to prevent wire rope deformation.

In this video:
0:00 – Intro
0:11 – A viewer asks a question
0:21 – Corporate Trainer Bob Gubanich responds
0:42 – Top Trainer Award Winner Adam Franz responds
1:11 – Closing

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Disclaimer: Any advice, graphics, images, and/or information contained herein are presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical, or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate industry professionals. The information herein should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals.