Chester Power Tractor Drive

1, 1-1/2, 2-1/2, 3 and 5 Ton Capacities

Chester Power Tractor Drives deliver greater productivity with existing push-type underhung crane bridges or push-type monorail hoists by offering motorized travel.



Features & Benefits:

  • Designed for capacities up to 5 tons, Chester Power Tractor Drives are easy to install without removing or disturbing existing equipment.
  • For underhung crane bridges, the Tractor is designed to accommodate any make of crane on various tracks. Twin Tractor units can be used to convert push-type cranes to motorized drive. The twin Tractor drives are wired into a single control panel located on one of the Tractors to provide simultaneous operation.
  • For monorail trolley suspended hoists, the single, powerful motorized Tractor provides fast horizontal travel while minimizing worker fatigue. A squirrel cage electric motor and heavy-duty worm gear reducer drives a urethane drive wheel. The drive wheel engages the underside of the track, providing positive travel.
  • Units are available for a variety of capacities, speeds and runway beams. Units are available with standard controls for single or dual operation without controls or with customized controls.
  • Other options include: two speed, variable speed, soft starts, motor brakes, various voltages and control options.

Power Tractor Drive Specs


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