Slip-Thru Thimbles
Slip-Thru Thimbles are designed to allow passage of an identical thimble through its eye. This is a necessity when a regular sling is used as a choker sling. Slip-Thru Thimbles also prevent the eye of the sling from mashing together and the top of the eye wearing excessively. The generous inside dimensions allow the thimbles to fit large crane hooks. Rope retention ears are tapered so they can be bent or peened over wire rope.
Crescent Thimbles
Crescent Thimbles are designed to protect the bearing surface of a loop where a large dimension loop is necessary. The ears are tapered so that they can be bent or peened over wire rope. Standard-Laid Rope Size 3/8″ to 3″.
No. 83 Casing Thimbles
The No. 83 Casing Thimble has been designed for the oil industry. The Choker Thimbles, No. 82, No. 84, No. 85, No. 86 and No. 87 are designed especially for braided choker slings. The ears can be peened over to retain wire rope.
Equalizing Thimbles
Equalizing Thimble—Single and double groove. Provides for the adjustment of the length of the legs of bridle slings so as to lift unbalanced loads evenly. Makes all bridle slings more versatile while eliminating center ring and two splices. Material: Cast electric steel.