Tecnomagnete Sheet Handling Magnets—TM 6 Series

For single plate handling up to 52.5 feet.

Version with 6 cross beams with 2 modules each.

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Whip Chart

The TECNO-LIFT lifting systems are designed with rigid structural characteristics and with a specific magnetomotive force coefficient (MMF) to guarantee handling, even with significant values on the whip chart.

With the TECNO-LIFT systems, it will be always possible to obtain the utmost performance in terms of load capacity and size, as specified in the technical specifics of these tables and performance tags on the lifters.

TM beams are available in TG version (6 or 8 cross beams) to handle sheets with thickness from 0.16″ and capacity up to 11 ton.


Sheet Handling Magnets—TM 6 Series-lines

Sheet Handling Magnets—TM 6 Series-chart


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