Wirerope Works / Bethlehem 19 x 7 Bright Rotation Resistant Wire Rope

19 x 7 is recommended for hoisting unguided loads with a single-part line.

  • Strands: 19
  • Wires per strand: 7
  • Core: WSC
  • Standard grade(s): Purple Plus
  • Lay: Regular
  • Finish: Bright

Contact a Lifting Specialist for more details and product specifications.

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The rotation resistant properties of this rope are secured by two layers of strands. The inner strands are left lay, while the 12 outer strands are right lay, which enables one layer to counteract the other layer’s rotation.

The rotation-resistant characteristics of the 19 x 7 wire ropes are superior to those of the 8 x 19 Class wire ropes.

19x7 Bright Wire Rope Rotation Resistant - Steel Core chart



All product warnings: Warnings Page