Purchasing a Custom Engineered Below-the-Hook Device: From Need to Delivery
In this video, we’ll explain the process for engineering and manufacturing a custom BTH device, from identifying a need, to lead time, to delivery, so you know what you can expect when you purchase a device from a third-party.
When looking for a custom BTH device you need to go to a company that, not only can build a device for your needs, but can meet every single one of OSHA’s requirements for the device.
If you’re ready to purchase a custom BTH device from a third-party, then download our FREE checklist to help speed up the process!
FREE DOWNLOAD: Custom Lifting Device Considerations and Design Sheet Bundle
► https://resources.mazzellacompanies.com/below-the-hook-design-considerations
PODCAST: What You Should Know Before Buying a BTH Device:
READ: 7 Things You Should Know Before Buying a Below-the-Hook Lifting Device
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► https://www.mazzellacompanies.com/liftingu/Training
Contact Mazzella’s Rigging Division Here:
► https://www.mazzellacompanies.com/Contact/Rigging-Division
In this video:
0:00 – Why should you go to a 3rd party for your device?
0:28 – Intro
2:06 – What standards apply to BTH devices?
3:16 – What is the process of ordering a custom BTH device?
5:10 – What’s the lead time for custom BTH device?
5:54 – What if my BTH device gets damaged?
7:02 – Why is it important to go to an accredited company?
8:35 – What will your engineered BTH device will come with?
9:10 – FREE DOWNLOAD – Custom Lifting Device Considerations and Design Sheet Bundle
9:40 – How to get more information
10:01 – Please Like and Subscribe!
Copyright 2022. Mazzella Companies.
Any advice, graphics, images, and/or information contained herein are presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical, or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate industry professionals. The information herein should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals.