The U.S. Navy has approved Phillystran rope for use in lifelines and boat davit preventer stays. Some of the advantages of replacing steel cables for these applications are:
- Inter-modulation interference (IMI) is eliminated
- Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is eliminated
- Received and transmitted signal patterns are improved
- Expensive maintenance such as painting, greasing, and de-icing is eliminated
- Useful life is dramatically increased when corrosion due to sea water and stack gases is eliminated
- Safety concerns due to metal “fish hook” injuries and corrosion-weakened steel wire ropes are eliminated
NAVSEA approved Kevlar® lifeline system, drawing #804-5959308 / NAVSEA approved boat davit preventer assembly, drawing #803-5184124
Weights and Dimensions can vary / Kevlar® is a Registered Trademark of DuPont