Which Elebia Hook Is Right for Your Application?
Selecting the right lifting equipment is a critical decision. This video offers a deep dive into Elebia Auto Hook selection, a key factor in enhancing workplace safety and operational efficiency. It provides expert insights into the Elebia range, focusing on factors crucial for safety-conscious and cost-effective procurement:
Understanding Model Differences
- Evo and NEO Line Differences: Delve into the specifics of each model to determine which aligns best with your lifting requirements.
Customization and Efficiency
- Customization for Safety and Efficiency: Explore how to tailor hooks to meet your industry’s unique requirements and overcome environmental challenges.
Evaluating Cost and Value
- Cost-Effectiveness for Procurement: Weigh the long-term benefits and safety features against the initial investment to ensure a sound decision.
This video is a valuable resource for EHS and procurement professionals looking to make informed decisions on lifting solutions that prioritize safety, reliability, and value.
Discover how Elebia Auto Hooks can transform your lifting operations. By understanding the technical differences between models and features, you ensure compliance with safety standards and achieve unparalleled operational efficiency. For a consultation or to explore our range, contact us today and find the perfect Elebia Auto Hook for your needs.
– Elebia Hooks are making lifting and rigging safer by keeping us fragile humans away from the rigging process. They’re a great piece of equipment to improve the safety and the wellbeing of your workers on the floor, but which hook is right for your application. Today, we break down the differences to help you decide which hook is best for you.
What Elebia Hook options are there?
– My name’s Cody Mathis, and I’ve been servicing the lifting industry for 10 years. What we have here is the Evo line. You have from two and a half ton to 25 ton in this model. You have the NEO line, which is from a 20 ton hook to 150 ton hook. And then you have the S40 Auto Shackle, which is just released on the market, which is a 40 ton automatic shackle. Depending on your lift point, depends on what hook fits the application the best.
What is the difference between the Elebia models?
Your Evo model is your more well-rounded. It can do chains, wire rope slings, fixed rigid points, many, many different applications that this hook will work with. Your NEO unit is more for your rigid fixed point. That is a large thickness plate material. And then your S40 Auto Shackle is for lifting eyes.
How to choose which Elbia Hook is right for you
To help fit the proper Elebia auto hook, I want to know the application. I want as much detail as I can get about what you’re doing, what you’re lifting, or what the environment’s like. One of the main things we need to know is your lift points. I need some sort of dimension. If you can give me a print without going into too much detail, I would, you know, having a print is very helpful on what we, what we can fit for your application. We need to know the capacity, you know. If the capacity’s over, but under the next model up, we can de-rate, but we can never overrate. So we can’t uprate a hook to fit your needs. We have to go up a model and then de-rate it. You want to know all those factors. You want to know, okay, what’s your application overall? Okay, what are you lifting, what are you doing with, what’s your lift? Is it an open flame environment, high heat environment? Is it very corrosive? Are you using chemicals? What type of material are you lifting? You know, if you’re lifting carbon steel, stainless steel, if it’s carbon, you’d want the magnet. If it’s stainless, the magnet’s pointless, right? If you’ve got a fixed rigid point that is made of carbon or stainless or you know, some off the wall material like aircraft grade, aluminum, the NEO doesn’t utilize a magnet. The NEO utilizes an opening with an autoclose feature. If you’re in a high heat open flame environment, you may want to consider our add-ons of a heat jacket or a stainless steel heat shield or high temp batteries. You want something that’s not going to consume right away. Once we get the lift point, the capacity, then we’ll go onto the smaller details later.
What are bad fit applications for the Evo Elebia Hook?
Applications that wouldn’t be a great fit for the Evo line would be tight spaces. You’d want more of an open area to be able to use it ’cause, because you don’t want your magnet grabbing everything around it. You do need an opening range for your hook to move. As your hook opens that space increases, right? You wouldn’t want to try to put this in a tight space to try to engage a shackle, a ring. You need that extra space. If you’ve got a slim tight space, that’s where your NEO would come into play. The NEO is just a straight vertical, right? It turns up 90 degrees to where this one’s got a wide range. If you’re anything over 25 ton at that point, the Evo is not your go-to unit.
What are bad fit applications for the NEO Elebia Hook?
Applications The NEO wouldn’t work with would be some, you know, a chain sling laying on the ground. Shackles, shackles that lay down would not be a good fit for a NEO. You have to have like a hole opening where a lifting, you know, if you’re lifting chain slings off the ground, the NEO’s not going to be your unit.
How can you Customize your Elebia Hook for your application?
Some things that set the Elebia auto hook apart from the rest would be your many, many different configurations, your many different upgrades, your many different capacities from a reliability standpoint to, you know, a customizable standpoint, it’s top of the list. This hook has an option called the swivel lock. It is a lock you would put up in your basket area here that would keep the unit from rotating. Some of our steel mill applications, when they lift an electrode, they don’t want it to spin. You know, they have so many moving components in a crane block line that rotate. It just keeps from, you know, it spinning out of control. If you go with the custom top link and you have a rotating block, so say your block is remote controlled and it can rotate under remote, there is an option to have a custom shank on top that this hook would rotate if this hook became your crane hook. So for a five, a 10, you can get a 20 ton top link. This just customizes the top of this hook to fit your crane hook. Really, it doesn’t change the capacity, it still would be rated at 10 ton. You have the custom link option, which would fit your crane bodies. Body is standard across all sizes. One of the options is the bumper. Bumper, that’s high temp, a bumper that’s high temp with LEDs. There is a heat shield that can bolt to this hook to keep it from open flame, extremely high heat. Two different batteries. There’s a standard battery and then your high temp battery. That’s good for up to 450 degrees. You know, you have multiple different options on magnets. Here you have a standard magnet with a sensor, a power magnet with a sensor. One of the questions I get most is, can you turn the magnet off? No, the magnet’s on all the time. Then you get a power magnet with a sensor with a rigid latch, which the rigid latch deletes the latch out of your hook to free up more space. Counterweight, so when this hook opens, you see the hook kind of tilts a little bit. There’s a counterweight option for the front that would keep it straight. Marine coating. There’s a marine upgrade that coat all the non-painted parts and all the painted parts with an epoxy. There’s an explosion proof option and there’s a submersible.
Cost of a 20 ton fully specced out Elebia Hook
For a hook with all the options and accessories on the Evo line compared to the NEO line, there’s really not that big of a cost difference. For an Evo20, with all of the options and accessories, roughly $15,000. And then if you went with a Neo line 20 ton same options, you’re roughly 18. So really there’s not that big of a cost difference.
How can you set up a demo?
One of the biggest things that I’ve seen in 10 years is the customer actually physically being able to see that hook on their crane running their application, right? If you have any questions or concerns or want to set up a demo, you know, please give us a call. So we’ll give you a consultation. We’ll come out, we’ll show you some hooks, some different options, configurations, and make sure that the hook works for your application.
– Hopefully you now have a better idea of the things you need to consider to help you decide which Elebia hook is going to be best for your process. At Mazzella, we have some great experts who understand your specific needs and can help walk you through the best solution for your exact problem. So contact Mazzella for all your Elebia needs. If you found this video useful, informative, entertaining, or you just feel like being friendly, then hit that like button so we can get this information out to everyone who needs it. Subscribe and hit the bell, so you never miss a video. If you have a question, drop it in the comments so we can get you an answer. Remember, safe rigging is smart rigging. My name is Ben and stay safe out there.
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Articles, Videos, Podcasts, and Solutions
- Keep Workers Safe With Elebia Automatic Hooks for Steel Mill Rigging
- What Are the Service Needs of Elebia Automatic Hooks?
- Elebia evo Automatic Crane Hook: Design, Benefits, & Best Uses
- Mazzella Electrode Handling
- How Does the No Touch® Electrode Handling System Make Steel Mills Safer?
- Safety Factor Podcast: Steel’s Sprint From the Safety Stone Age
- A Basic How-To Guide for Ordering Alloy Steel Chain Slings
- Master Links and Rings: What Are the Types and How Are They Used?
- How Is ITI Incorporating Technology Into Crane Operator Training?
Contact Mazzella
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- Contact Mazzella’s Rigging Division
In this video:
0:00 – Intro
0:34 – What Elebia Hook options are there?
1:08 – What is the difference between the Elebia models?
1:33 – How to choose which Elbia Hook is right for you
3:09 – What are bad fit applications for the Evo Elebia Hook?
4:01 – What are bad fit applications for the NEO Elebia Hook?
4:18 – How can you Customize your Elebia Hook for your application?
6:43 – Cost of a 20 ton fully specced out Elebia Hook
7:06 – How can you set up a demo?
Any advice, graphics, images, and/or information contained herein are presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical, or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate industry professionals. The information herein should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals.