Mazzella Companies News

Sheffield Metals Launches New Website With Responsive Interface Design

The new site contains valuable information and documentation for architects, contractors, builders and homeowners. It also features a more comprehensive product line and access to all of the available engineering for Sheffield Metals standing seam metal roofing and wall panel profiles without a log in.

person Pat Driscoll
event January 18, 2016

Sheffield Metals’ new website contains valuable information and documentation for architects, contractors, builders, and homeowners. It also features a more comprehensive product line, including coils and sheets (COOLR® Metal Roofing), engineered standing seam metal roof and wall systems, specialty coil and sheet products (zinc, copper, weathered series, WeatherXLTM SMP & Vintage®), Valspar products, rollforming machines, sheet metal fabrication equipment, accessories and components, and more.

Sheffield Metals Launches New Website With Responsive Interface Design: Main

New Site Features:

  • Responsive interface design allows easy navigation for both PC and mobile users.
  • Revamped engineering section features access to all of the available engineering for Sheffield Metals standing seam metal roofing and wall panel profiles without a log in.
  • Paint warranty request form allows the user to easily submit warranty requests direct from the site or via PDF.
  • Roof Color Visualizer features Sheffield Metals’ 50+ colors and finishes.
  • Sweets brochure downloads throughout the site.
  • Enhanced resources page with videos, color cards, profile cut sheets, calculators, and more.
  • Social media connectivity with Sheffield Metals and the Mazzella Companies family on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
  • Careers Page link featuring all the available positions at Sheffield Metals and the Mazzella Companies.

Visit the new website at


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