Crane Service

ASME B30.2-2022 Overhead and Gantry Cranes: What Changed & What You Need to Know

person Ben Hengst
event August 17, 2023

Key updates in the new ASME B30.2-2022 Overhead and Gantry Cranes standard.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has released an updated version of their Overhead and Gantry Crane standard, ASME B30.2-2022. This new standard takes effect on August 24, 2023 and contains several important updates that overhead crane owners and operators should review.

Some of the key updates in ASME B30.2-2022 include:

  • Revised definitions for lifting devices and load blocks that provide more clarity.
  • New requirements related to foundations, anchorage, crane runways, rail sweeps, and more under the general construction and installation guidelines.
  • Clearer protocols for inspection testing and mandatory load testing of new cranes prior to initial use.
  • Added responsibilities for crane owners to establish medical/vision criteria for operators.
  • An entirely new section outlining required responsibilities for signalpersons during crane operations.
  • Changes to the lift planning sections, including guidance for categorizing critical lifts.
  • Changes to the operation for planned engineered lifts.

Staying current with overhead crane standards is crucial for maintaining compliance and operational safety. Overhead crane professionals should thoroughly review ASME B30.2-2022 to ensure their operations meet all new provisions prior to the August 2023 effective date.



ASME B30.2. There’s an update. Are you still compliant? If you want to find out, then stick around. In this video, I’ll break down what’s new in the ASME B30.2-2022 update. My name is Ben and this is the Lifting & Rigging Channel.

What is ASME B30.2 and what does it cover?

ASME B30.2, Overhead and Gantry Cranes, includes provisions that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of hand operated and power driven overhead and gantry cranes, that have a top running single girder or multiple girder bridge, with one or more top running trolley hoists, used for vertical lifting, and lowering of freely suspended unguided loads consisting of equipment and materials. The requirements included in this volume also apply to cranes having the same fundamental characteristics such as cantilever gantry cranes, semi-gantry cranes, and wall cranes.

What’s new in the ASME B30.2-2022 update?

So what’s new? The 2022 edition of ASME B30.2 contains updates including big changes to the Operator Training and Operation chapter, as well as revised definitions and references, clarifications, new provisions, and more. Let’s dive into some of the more important changes.

How did ASME change key definitions in the 2022 update?

ASME B30.2-2022 has revised the definition for lifting devices. The new definition reads, “A device, other than a load block, used for attaching a load to a hoist. The device may contain components such as slings, hooks and rigging hardware addressed by other ASME B30 volumes or standards. The weight of these devices is to be considered part of the rated load if it is not reeved onto the hoist ropes.” The new definition removes the examples of specific types of devices, it also draws more attention to the idea that if a device is reeved into the hoist ropes, it can be excluded from the rated load.

ASME B30.2-2022 has also revised the definition for load blocks. ASME simplified the old definition to now read, “The assembly of a hook or shackle, swivel, bearing, shaves, pins and frame, suspended by the hoisting rope or load chain.

What updates were made to general construction and installation requirements?

Let’s dive into chapter one, General Construction and Installation. In the Foundations and Anchorage section, there’s an update on the use of wind speed indicating devices. This was previously required on all outdoor cranes. It is now required for any crane used outdoors. So they’ve added some clarification there.

As we look at the Crane Runway section, ASME finds it important that when mentioning a bridge, a gantry structure is also mentioned.

In the Stops and Bumpers section, revisions have been made to include gantry cranes and gantry bumpers, and the retention requirements for elastomeric bumpers may also be omitted if determined unnecessary by a Qualified Person.

In the section for Rail Sweeps, provisions have been added that rail sweeps shall extend below the top of the rail, while removing the specifics, and a new section has been added specifically for gantry rail sweeps. It states that “gantry truck rail sweeps shall be provided in front of the leading wheels on both ends of the gantry end truck. Rail sweeps should extend below the top of the rail. Rail sweeps shall clear the rail of objects on the runway which, if they come into contact between the wheel and the rail, could cause damage to the wheel or derail the wheel.”

The provision for the controllers, stating that “Automatic cranes shall be so designated that operation of all motions shall be discontinued if the automatic sequence control becomes ineffective. The completion of the last command is permissible if power is available,” has been removed from the 2022 edition of ASME B30.2.

A condition was added to the section on Disconnecting Means, that states, “When operation of the push button or switch controlling the main line contactor in will result in uncontrolled movement of the load, such as when the hoist that is equipped with a brake failure detection circuit detects a brake failure, the control circuit may temporarily maintain power to the crane to prevent uncontrolled movement of the load.”

And a big change was made to the 2016 section discussing Cranes With Lifting Magnets. This entire section has been revised and is now titled Crane Powered Lifting Devices. And reads, “When a loss of power to a lifting device would cause uncontrolled movement of the load, a separate lifting device disconnect switch shall be connected on the line side of the crane disconnect switch. The lifting device disconnect switch shall be of the enclosed type with provisions for locking in the open position. For lifting magnets, a means shall be provided for discharging the inductive load. Indication or signal lights should be provided to indicate that power to a powered lifting device is on. These lights, if used, shall be visible to the crane operator and the persons on the floor. For a remote operated crane, the loss of the remote signal shall not result in a loss of power to the lifting device. A minimum of two collectors for each runway conductor shall be furnished when the crane is used with a powered lifting device. Lifting devices shall comply with the provisions of the ASME B30.20 below the hook lifting device standard.”

How did ASME revise inspection, testing and load test protocols?

Moving on to chapter two, Inspection and Testing. In the Testing section, operational tests for hoist limit devices and switches have been more clearly defined as to be performed under no load conditions. Rather than an empty hook. But the bigger change here is made in the Load Test section. New cranes are now required to be load tested prior to initial use, period. That is a shall. “New cranes shall be load tested prior to initial use.” Now, “Re-installed, altered, repaired, and modified cranes shall be load tested prior to use unless otherwise determined by a qualified person.” The load test requirements for cranes already in service remains the same.

How did operator training and responsibilities change in 2022?

When we get to chapter three, Operator Training and Operation, in the Scope of Crane Operation, ASME has removed the reference to “for certification as an operator.” And there are several areas where they reference back to their new definition of a lifting device, mentioning that if it is reeved into the hoist ropes, it can be discounted.

And management, you have new responsibilities. Owners and users will now be required to establish medical and vision criteria, if required, for persons who will operate cranes. Crane operators have also been given a new responsibility. “During the lift, crane operators shall avoid moving loads if obstructions are in the path of travel.”

And this right here may be one of the biggest changes in the entire ASME B30.2-2022 revision. They have added an entire section for the Responsibilities Of Signal Persons. This section outlines what a signal person assigned to a load handling activity shall at a minimum be responsible for. I would recommend diving in and reading this new section thoroughly. If you don’t have access to ASME B30.2-2022, you can find all the responsibilities of a signal person listed in the article linked in the description below. Some of the responsibilities include, obviously, signaling, then determining how to signal, testing signal equipment, and making sure to not signal anything that could result in putting someone or something in harm’s way. See the full list of responsibilities in the article below.

There is a title change, we now have a section titled, Planning for Load Handling Activities, and a new section has been added for Lift Planning. It reads, “Lifting operations are recognized to present risks to personnel or property. Lift planning and oversight shall be tailored to each hoisting operation and shall be sufficient to manage varying conditions and their associated hazards. The information presented in ASME P30.1, provides one method of documenting and planning oversight necessary to reduce that risk. Certain lifting operations are recognized to have increased levels of risk to personnel or property. The criteria to categorize a lift as critical on the basis are established by site supervision, project management, a qualified person, or company policies. Lift planning and oversight shall be tailored to each operation and shall be sufficient to manage varying conditions and their associated hazards. ASME P30.1 or an equivalent lift planning tool should be used when the lifting operation is deemed to be critical”

And the Planned Engineered Lift section has been rewritten. Most of the changes in this section are subtle, but due to the dangers involved in lifting loads in excess of the rated load, I strongly encourage you to read this section and its changes in its entirety. This is a critical section of ASME B30.2, and though there are only slight changes, you need to ensure you are complying when performing planned engineered lifts.

Finally, in the Operator Training and Operation chapter of ASME B30.2-2022, in the Hoist Limit Devices and Switches section, ASME specifically calls out below-the-hook lifting devices, stating, “If a below-the-hook lifting device is present and will remain on the crane for the duration of the shift, it need not be removed for this test.”

Were there any maintenance training updates in B30.2-2022?

Lastly, as we move to chapter four, we have one small change in the Maintenance Training and Maintenance Chapter. The section for Crane Maintenance Training General has been simplified to read, “Persons selected to maintain the mechanical, hydraulic, structural, and electrical components of a crane shall be competent and capable as described in section 2-0.4.”

How to get a FREE overhead cranes ebook?

If you’re looking to further your understanding of overhead and gantry cranes, then I recommend downloading Mazzella’s free overhead cranes ebook, Overhead Cranes From Top To Bottom linked in the description below.

When does ASME B30.2-2022 take effect?

Now you are up to date with a new ASME B30.2-2022 standard. Keep everyone safe and stay OSHA compliant. This new standard will take effect soon, August 24th, 2023.

If you found this video useful, informative, entertaining, or you just feel like being friendly, then hit that like button so we can get this information out to everyone who needs it. Subscribe and hit the bell so you never miss a video. If you have a question, drop it in the comments so we can get you an answer. Remember, safe rigging is smart rigging. My name is Ben and stay safe out there.

Prefer to read the updates? Check out the article here! ASME B30.2-2022: Updates & Revisions to ASME B30.2 Overhead & Gantry Cranes Standard

Here is the full list of responsibilities for Signalpersons! What Are a Signalperson’s Responsibilities, According to ASME B30.2?

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In this video

0:00 – Intro

0:25 – What is ASME B30.2 and what does it cover?

1:12 – What’s new in the ASME B30.2-2022 update?

1:33 – How did ASME change key definitions in the 2022 update?

2:38 – What updates were made to general construction and installation requirements?

6:20 – How did ASME revise inspection, testing and load test protocols?

7:16 – How did operator training and responsibilities change in 2022?

11:13 – Were there any maintenance training updates in B30.2-2022?

11:43 – How to get a FREE overhead cranes ebook?

12:03 – When does ASME B30.2-2022 take effect?


Any advice, graphics, images, and/or information contained herein are presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical, or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate industry professionals. The information herein should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals.