Assemblies & End Fittings
We can produce any assembly to fit your specifications precisely.
When ordering, please consider the following:
- Diameter of the wire rope.
- Wire rope classification or construction.
- Rope material (stainless, galvanized, bright, etc.).
- Rated capacity required.
- Length as described by reference points (see diagram below).
- Fitting material required.
- For threaded fittings, specify the type, length and hand of thread.
- For terminals, such as forks and eyes, please specify how they should be positioned relative to each other — same plane or opposite planes.
- The number of completed assemblies required.
Call us at 800.362.4601 or click here if you need wire rope assemblies or end fittings!
Showing all 24 results
Malleable Wire Rope Clips—Zinc Plated
Newco Boom Pendant Thimbles
Movable Bridge Cable Assemblies
Nicopress Aluminum Oval Sleeves
Nicopress Stainless Steel Oval Sleeves
Nicopress Nickel Plated Copper Oval Sleeves
Nicopress Copper Oval & Copper Stop Sleeves
Wire Rope Terminals
Threaded Stud
Threaded Sleeve
Crosby S-423T Super Terminator™ Wedge Socket
Crosby S-421T Wedge Socket
Crosby Fist Grip® Wire Rope Clips
Crosby G-450 Forged Wire Rope Clips
Crosby Open & Closed Swage Sockets
Swage Socket Assemblies (Boom Pendants)
Crosby Open & Closed Spelter Sockets
Spelter Socket Assemblies (Boom Pendants)
Boom Pendant Inspection
Terminal Efficiencies (Approximate)
Wedge Type Ferrules
How to Measure Wire Rope Assemblies
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